[Kanurka's Skuldugary]


Dalayan Adventurer
This quest showed up in my Journal the night I got it, but has not been there ever since.

In addition, I am on step two of the quest, and there was a conflict in the quest dialogue and the journal entry I checked after starting step two. The quest dialogue indicated I needed to possibly find the item in my own lands, where the journal entry (before disappearing) indicated 'she was vague, but maybe something from the area.'

I was also wondering if these issues might invalidate any of the items I have turned in to her?
Journal entries are completely separate from quest flags or anything of the sort. The issue here is that there is a bug in the way that journal is named that causes journal entries not to stay with you when you zone. If you know what to do next in the quest, you should be fine to do it. If not, post here again and I'll try to track down the step you are on.
I am on step two, the information is quite vague as to what is needed and the quest dialogue said it comes from my own lands, while the original journal entry said "its vague, maybe from around here?"

Clarification on that would be nice.
I've still not been able to figure out what item I need. I wonder if the drop table isn't broken. Being the quest giver has Quiet in the name, I would assume that the quest drop also comes from a certain 'quiet' mob in the murk yet I have never obtained an item from said mob.

Being that I know of 3 other drops in the murk that are listed as Rog for class and are no drop items I have to believe I am on the right track. Can I get confirmation this is indeed working.
UGH.. so it would appear you can completely screw yourself over in this quest. Hailing the Sentry at start of frog town gives you an option to tattle on Kanurka.. and if you accept it your quest gets closed and she will then just 'look at you seethingly'

The fact that this option is even in the quest line is not ok. I don't care if it should be obvious that you shouldn't choose this option if your a rogue, the fact that the item not dropping caused me to explore the quest text and thus ruin my ability to do this quest line.
I was finally able to progress to the next step in this quest but another bug seems to exist. No one can confirm having found Murk Fern. The quest text seems to imply that it is a ground spawn (that should be easily found)

You say, 'Where do I find Murk Fern?'
... tells you, 'Murk fern can be found growing here and there throughout the swamp, primarily above water. The leaves are poisonous, so most of the scavangers leave it alone - it shouldn't be difficult to find.'

Can you confirm spawn points for this do exist?
I was finally able to progress to the next step in this quest but another bug seems to exist. No one can confirm having found Murk Fern. The quest text seems to imply that it is a ground spawn (that should be easily found)

You say, 'Where do I find Murk Fern?'
... tells you, 'Murk fern can be found growing here and there throughout the swamp, primarily above water. The leaves are poisonous, so most of the scavangers leave it alone - it shouldn't be difficult to find.'

Can you confirm spawn points for this do exist?

i posted about this on murk bug forums and i would love to be able to continue as well.
@Zaela While probably unrelated to this particular quest I'd like to point out the Vengeful remains may have the same issue, and might also not be itemized, as 20+ kills later they still drop nothing at all.
@Zaela While probably unrelated to this particular quest I'd like to point out the Vengeful remains may have the same issue, and might also not be itemized, as 20+ kills later they still drop nothing at all.

I think this can be said for quiet iksar remains, as well as sirithri mindsipper.
I am on the step after you get the vial of poison. I need to get a key from the kaezulians NW in the Murk. I killed a ton of sentinels, both liutenants several times and never found a key. Is it just that rare or am i missing something?


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