Just starting out


Dalayan Beginner
Hey, i just kinda heard about EQemulator and stuff so i followed the directions and installed all the EQ versions i had but when i try to patch it to live it says ERROR: corrupt or missing file on update server. Is this something with the EQ server and i just have bad timing or is it something with my connection? i dont know if this has been answered before but i looked for it and didnt see anything. thanks
B4k4j3w said:
... and installed all the EQ versions

Wiz and others says above LDoN expansions installed breaks WR, but it was untrue for my friend at least (he has every expansions installed and WR worked for him)
no, i said i installed all the ones i HAVE, i only have up to krunark, but i cant even patch to download the expansions because it wont work.
Sorry, I'm not much of help to you because you haven't explain what's the problem in detail, this "because it wont work" isnt enough.

Theres endless solution to try if I try to help you 'now'..
this is exactly what it says:

EverQuest Patch version 1.1.7
(c) 1999 Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

Checking for new files, please wait...

EverQuest file update failed. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator or internet service provider for assistance.

* ERROR *: Corrupt or missing file on update server.
If the problem persists, email
<[email protected]>

If this is your first time playing EverQuest, refer to "Troubleshooting Your Connection" in "EverQuest_Manual.txt"in your EverQuest folder.
you need more than just the kunark expansion.

your best bet would be to go out and just buy the platinum edition or whatever it is.

WR requires up to the Shadows of Luclin expansion. Including Kunark, Scars of Velious. Planes of Power is optional but recommended.

I believe EQlive requires up to Shadows of Luclin as well.
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