Just Joined

Death Jester

Dalayan Beginner
Just started this passed weekend.

I loved EQ but moved away cos it was gettin to elitest. and i also refused to pay money for a game where the organisers would not listen to its customers. We will have to see if the organisers here will listen to there client base for ideas :keke:

When i heard about this free server i thought it was too good to be true... so i tried it out... the only difference so far is the quad kiting... i used to have a drood and loved the soloable aspect of the class... seems to have chenged slightly with the inaffectual grouping method passed 40% health. Anyway we addapt.

I will give it a go and see what its like.

But mean time, nice to be apart of the community.

One thing you'll support then. Pretty much all the staff listen's when something needs to be fixed/needs looked at. The community is probably the best part of Sod

Welcome! :cool:
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