Just dropping a "hello"


Dalayan Beginner
So, hello.

I'm brand new to Shards but played EQ1 before, many long years ago (more than I care to think about). I think Shadows of Luclin came out right before I quit, so I'm not familiar with a bunch of the new content. I got pretty tired of paying to play games that the admins/devs don't seem to show any love/passion for, so I'm trying something different.

I'd like to become a part of the community, and perhaps get to know some folks here so that my travels in the game aren't so boring. I play an enchanter by the name of "Solven" as my main, currently 10, and right now I'm trying to find a good box character (so far it is between bard and druid).

I'm EST and play late night to early morning (so typically on a PST schedule). If anyone has some advice for me, or if there's a guild out there with some time to invest in some new blood, please look me up.
Good to see a new face ^.^

If I am on and you have questions feel free to send a tell. Name is Sayen, and usually do same times.

Hope you like chanters and happy charming ^.^
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