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Dalayan Beginner
Seemed like the place to say hello to all, so....hello all! Started right after launch with a human wizard on E'ci server and played through about 6 expansions, left...came back....left again....came back recently but it's changed too much. Hopefully with this site I will regain some love for the game that made MMORPGs.

To those with E'ci roots, I played Winuvas Delmaron (wood elf druid), Rolanar Darkschneider (human wizard), Inusina Arrines (erudite pally) and Ellymae Clampett (troll beastlord).

See you all in game.
Welcome aboard! SoD is great, have been enjoying for a few months now in and out as I manage to get time to play and im still loving it as I slowly get up into higher content. Now if I can just finally finish off Newport faction so I can get back to leveling more often...
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