Jildo's Maps Quest


Dalayan Adventurer
To Whom it May Concern,

I petitioned this issue in-game and was told by the GM to post in this discussion forum.

I am currently trying to complete the Silver Crown quest called Jildo's maps. I've completed the entire quest except the part in Frosthorn that requires you to scout Dragon Bone Bridge. Throughout the rest of the zone, at the other areas that I was supposed to scout--ie, entrance to dreadfang spire, southern most edge of ice, and eastern dock--I got the message indicating that I had correctly scouted.

However, cannot get the message and thus complete the quest by scouting Dragon Bone Bridge. I've walked allllll over it, under it, on it, and around it in so many different possible ways. I tried with SoE, w/out SoE, walking, ducking, jumping.. Anyway, I doubt I've done something wrong or confused something. This is a simple step of a simple quest. What should I do at this point??

Baxters, Wood Elf Ranger Guy
Im prolly waaaay off, but I did that a long time ago and I seem to recall that it's to the left of the end of the bridge as you zone in. But it was in a really odd spot, like down the embankment a bit. =-/
Ok. Thanks for the post. I'm pretty sure I covered the area you're talking about but I think I might try again.
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