IX Turn in problem


Dalayan Beginner
I finished all my quests to get council seniors assistants badge and when he asks for badge i give to him and he just gives me the same one back with no upgrade. Yet when I hail him he says I cant advance till I give him badge. Checked my flags and all show except till death do us part which i have done and double checked by getting lord rotfangs head again and giving to the priestess in which I just get head back. Any help would be appreciated and I do have a petition on file
Did you give the priestess staff back to her after you do the spirit send off on the goblin island?
I wasn't aware I was supposed to give that back I destroyed it along time ago thinking it wasn't for my class. by doing so did I ruin my chances to progress this quest?
Hanus is my toon

Shows that I have
Until death do us part still active and I have turned in the head to the gnoll priestess and cant further the dialog if that helps any. Even got lord rotfangs head again to see if it would let me turn into priestess and complete but it does not.
Forgot to mention that yes i have done the next quest Spirit call also. Ill have a friend post a screen shot of completed quests soon.


I think this is what Hanus needed. Until Death Do Us Part is required complete before you can do Spirit Call, hence the problem with his flag.

Ninja edit- That second picture is of his completed quests.
I think this is what Hanus needed. Until Death Do Us Part is required complete before you can do Spirit Call, hence the problem with his flag.

The quest Until Death Us Do Part remains active until after you complete Sirit Call, this is normal. A quick look at Hanus' fomelo shows that he still has the Council Associate's Badge, which he should have upgraded to a Council Assistant's Badge after being promoted to that rank. Instead he faction XPed up to the Senior Assistant rank - the NPC's are expecting him to turn in his Council Assistant's Badge to be ungraded (which he neglected to get way back when he ranked up to do the MQ).
I have done this part of the quest but it saying that it is still Active in my journal. So i look it up in my journal and it say's

2: Until Death Us Do Part
I freed the priestess's mate from his torment. She rewarded me with her only real posession. But I'm uncertain what use it will be.

But she did not give me the rewarded. And did not get the staff.
This thread is full of misinformation.

You do not need "Until Death Us Do Part" marked complete in your journal, you simply need to do the main part of it to proceed.

Any problems related to not having the correct badge can be solved with a visit to Ix in Underhill, then giving him your badge.

Most of the time, you can solve your quest issues with a search through the forums for the relavent thread.
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