It's spreading! Oh noes!


Dalayan Beginner
I installed SoD on my dad's new laptop for my brother to play, and his UI didn't have... slots for spells gems. The inventory screen is just a grey space. When you equip an item it just hangs in the grey space - when you load a spell the icon appears but no color gem (just grey, no red, yellow, purple, green). Buff and debuff icons (particularly DS's) appear as grey squares. Loading the default_old UI fixes the problem but then we're stuck with all the extra garbage in the inventory window, etc.

But he was cool with it. Then I reinstalled SoD on my lappy when I had a file corrupted and now my stupid laptop is doing it too! It's eating at me. I'm losing sleep.

So synopsis of problem : got no icons, or inventory slots. I get them back when I load prehistoric UIs. Want them back.
If you have a good working copy on another machine, just copy the entire folder onto an 8 gig flash drive and copy com flash to the other computer. Game doesn't really need an install as it will configure sound and video the first time you run it
In case you don't have access to an 8 gb flash drive...

It sounds like the installation you're talking about is missing files. You could try to repatch all. You may also want to try using a downloading a different UI (there is a thread with a list of working UIs from eqinterface somewhere as well as a few listed in the must-downloads thread.)
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