Dalayan Beginner
Hey all,
I played EQ off and on from the first few weeks for maybe 2 years. I'm not really a hardcore gamer, hopefully there's more than a few casuals on here. My brother referred me actually.
Originally, I played on Terrew Marr. I had a mid 20's halfling rogue, mid 20's barbarian shaman, and a low teens for just about ever class under the sun. I've never experienced the end-game, and with my busy schedule I probably never will
Regardless, this looks like a cool place and server to hang at and re-live old times (with new content).
Thanks for havin' me!
I played EQ off and on from the first few weeks for maybe 2 years. I'm not really a hardcore gamer, hopefully there's more than a few casuals on here. My brother referred me actually.
Originally, I played on Terrew Marr. I had a mid 20's halfling rogue, mid 20's barbarian shaman, and a low teens for just about ever class under the sun. I've never experienced the end-game, and with my busy schedule I probably never will
Regardless, this looks like a cool place and server to hang at and re-live old times (with new content).
Thanks for havin' me!