It's been a good run. [NOT WIZ ALERT]


Dalayan Master

Been playing here for well over 3 years now. This is by far the most well developed MMO i've ever had the pleasure of playing, and it's been a ton of fun. Unfortuantly, i've come to the point where I won't be able to play anymore, but i'd like to thank those on the server who have made the past few years of my life what they have been.

Go slay some shit in iksith for me.

Farewell from,

Salarus, Zatik, Lobsang, Zecceriah, Aeternitas, player of Bandaen, and an army of alts. May this server continue to be as awsome as it always has been.

Edit: I just realized I look like even more of a tool for accidnetly having the same title as wiz, but I can't edit that. Godamit. I would appricate it if smoeone could change this to somehting similar, as I don't want to detract from WIz.
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Glad you enjoyed the server, happy hunting irl! I don't think the title is a problem.
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