Items New Players can Sell


Dalayan Beginner
I've been leveling up and pretty much saving everything I come across to try and find out if it sells to players. Stuff like Kobold Fur, Direleaf, Monkshood, etc... I was wondering what sort of items new players can sell, that higher level players would rather buy then farming, and what they sell for?

This might be helpful for the new players out there that need some starter money, and a way for them to earn it.

My advice is to keep saving everything that says it's used in tradeskills, and watch auction channel and these forums for who's buying what when (shameless link to my WTB thread).

Demand for most of the tradeskill stuff comes and goes as people are skilling up through the range that the various components are used, so if nobody's buying now, chances are someone will be buying in the future.
Monkshood and atropa berries are used in poisons, and its a lot more convenient for me to pay 20p a stack for them when i need them instead of trying to farm them myself.
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