Items from HoM


Dalayan Adventurer
Hi, I've gotten a couple of items from Halls of Misery today, and I am wondering if they are for a quest. I haven't seen any NPC around there inside or outside, and haven't heard of quests related with Halls of Misery yet. I tried to ask in ooc, but as usual no one knew.

Here are the items:

Anyone knows something about them? Even a zone where I should start looking.
I know a lot of people won't respond because they do not want to give out any information. Keep killing in that zone and you may be able to figure it out.

P.S. No, I don't know.
5 or 6 people have done this quest - all of them in Ruin.

Figure it out. The quest is awesome and the rewards are getting upgraded (will be very worth it).
Oh yeah, does anyone know a clicky identify item I could get? I mean as a warrior. It's pretty hard to do it on my own :).
Waldoff said:
The quest is awesome and the rewards are getting upgraded (will be very worth it).

Ive heard this before! ( ;))

Kelval, if you wish to know where it begins (I'm not posting it here for spoilers sake.), /tell me in game and i'll see if I can point you in the right direction.
volvov2 said:
Ive heard this before! ( ;))

Kelval, if you wish to know where it begins (I'm not posting it here for spoilers sake.), /tell me in game and i'll see if I can point you in the right direction.

haha yeah thanks for the info all that while ago. It's not very obvious where it starts at all. Still have yet to do it though. Workin on it :D
Yeah it really is not obvious =p

The people in Ruin did the middle first, then the beginning, then the end.
Waldoff said:
Yeah it really is not obvious =p

The people in Ruin did the middle first, then the beginning, then the end.

ya I just got tons of crap on aisling, and was like what's this for, and this, and this, and this.
volvov2 said:
Ive heard this before! ( ;))

Kelval, if you wish to know where it begins (I'm not posting it here for spoilers sake.), /tell me in game and i'll see if I can point you in the right direction.

Thanks, I'll look for you! :)
No one in CW has completed it yet, still need to find the start of it. However we did get it confirmed that the quest is still in which is all we needed to know to be motivated to do it. I don't think anyone has actively tried to run around and figure out how it starts but it's on my todo list. Nothing like not knowing how to do a quest. We take Wiki for granted all too often and I personally enjoy figuring things out for myself .
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