Dalayan Beginner
Hello everyone! I'm new to SoD, just found it a week ago through a RL friend - <A HREF="">Motak</A>. I played Live since the day "the Game" came out. I quit after the 4th expansion and was sad to see it progress from the game with incredible potential it was to what they ended up forcing it to be. I had always dreamed of returning to play it the way it was meant to be, and I count myself lucky to have found a way to realize at least one of my dreams! Do say Hello when we meet, you will find me once again happily living in the world I've fondly looked back on for these past years... healing/buffing unsuspecting passers-by and speeding across the Badlands once more!
Until we meet...
Read about my Cleric <A HREF="">Andaara</A>
Josquin's story soon to come.
Until we meet...
Read about my Cleric <A HREF="">Andaara</A>
Josquin's story soon to come.