Issue with Sundered Mountain Quest(s)


Dalayan Beginner
My issue occured during part of the Sundered Mountain Armor Quest that starts with Bippa, and leads you to the Wolfslayer Clan craftswomen. The problem occured after i collected the required Panda Fur and Chainmail armor and went to turn them in to Eldvild. Upon opening the trade window, and placing the Chainmail Coif followed by a single Panda Fur i was attacked by Eldvild, i then cancelled the trade and tried to figure what i should do.

I was currently bound just outside the building there, but figured i should try to Gate just to see if it would help her reset so i could continue the turn in. Sadly i didn't have Gate memmed so i backed into the corner, and since Eldvild was green, and missed most every attack, i was able to sit and mem Gate while she was attacking, and then just waited for the mana and proceeded to cast Gate. As the spell completed it moved me to my bind spot outside, but alas did not clear the agro, infact it agroed a couple more of the Wolfslayer Clan including a guard. It only took them a few seconds to kill me, and then i figured oh well the agro would be cleared now.

As it finished returning me to my home point i went back into the building with Eldvild, and started to do the turn in again, but she just handed them back, i then hailed here trying to bring up the dialogue, but there was no response, after a couple more hails i went and hailed the previous NPC in the chain, the blacksmith Freya, whom also gave no response after hailing. At that point i figured maybe i was just lagging or something, so i tried to see how they responded if i right-clicked and opened the vendor window, except i was then given the message "I will not deal with one such as you" I proceeded to check all the Wolfslayer Clan npcs, none of the vendor ones would sell to me, and the only ones that would even respond to my hails were a couple standing outside at the fire.

I decided to give it some time, and did some other things as well as log for a awhile before trying again, but even much later it still didn't work. The reason i said "Quest(s)" in the Subject was due to the fact that now the Chief won't speak to me either making it so i won't be able to do the Yeti quest to raise my faction with the Wolfslayer Clan. I hope that there is something that can be done, i was pretty excited about finishing that quest and getting the bracer. If you need any more info pls let me know, if there is nothing that can be done that is upsetting but understandable, things happen hehe. Thank you :)

(Edit: I checked again today and still had the same results, is it just a faction problem? If so is there a spell or item i can go for that would allow me to finish the quest?)

~~ Arikaonna
Not on these quests but this is the second time Ive heard of these turn in folks attacking people trying to turn in quest items today. Other was some guy (forget name) tweaking in ooc about it)
Still no luck with this quest, i keep trying cause i really want the bracers, is it possible that the actual npc's still hold the grudge against me (which i still don't know why they attacked in the first place) and will continue to do so until the server restarts or something?

Anyone have any suggestions of other things i can try?

~~ Arikaonna
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