Issue after sodpatcher at EULA screen


Dalayan Beginner
Ok I played years before and just got started again. I had installed just the trilogy and was easily able to just use the patched and log on to my old SoD characters, but knew I was missing levels.

I then downloaded the rest of the expansions I had purchased through EQ by renewing my account with them to be able to download it. Unfortunately now when I try to play the game I now have an issue. I run the sodpatcher and when I click "Start EQ" it turns my screen completely black and in the middle is the EULA. I can move my cursor around but it gets lost over the EULA but if I scroll over accept (even though I cant see the mouse all the time it does highlight) and click it to accept it freezes there.

What further makes this an issue is once it is like this I cannot tab to anything else and I can ctrl alt delete and it moves to the screen where I can ask it to start up my task manager but when I try to start it I am returned to the black screen with frozen EULA and unable to tab to anything I need.

Anyone know what this issue is and how I can fix it because I would like to play SoD again and have a group of people waiting on me so we can have a group together. Thanks for reading and thanks even more if you have suggestions =)
When at the EULA screen, click to make the window "active" and then hit tab then enter on your keyboard. If you move to the next screen, keep hitting enter till you reach the login screen.
I get stuck at th eEULA screen too, I get the window active, click on the button and than it gets stuck .... any idea?
played EQ way back in the day. a friend got me into SoD. Got it patched and when I click the Start EQ button, it brings up the Seizure Warning and from there I get nowhere. I can't click the ok button because my mouse goes behind the Warning. It won't let me Tab + Enter, or just Enter. Any suggestions?
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