Is throwing a glitched skill for paladins?


Dalayan Beginner
I notice that throwing shows up as a possible skill for training when I visit my guildmaster, but throwing is not shown in my personal skill window, and no matter how much crap I throw I can't seem to level it up. So is it just a dud skill for paladins?

EDIT: If I trained throwing through the guildmaster anyway just for the heck of it, would it actually do anything? Or would it always just treat my throwing skill in combat as if it were zero?
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As far as I know, Paladins do not actually get this skill. It most likely shows up in the guild window as the result of yet another client limitation/bug. Beastlords are known to have a similar issue relating to the Sneak skill, as noted on their wiki page. It has been some time since I tested out what happens when training a bugged skill at a guildmaster, but I am pretty sure in this case the guildmaster will either tell you that you're trained to the limits of your abilities in the skill or will accept the points and supposedly raise the skill in the guild window, but you will be reimbursed the points automatically upon zoning as if nothing happened.

Interestingly, all classes are capable of throwing weapons flagged "Skill: Throwing" even if their class does not legitimately have the skill. This means that even Clerics and Shadowknights, for example, can have fun with Abrasive Sand or a Dwarven Lightning Rod, but they will always throw will a skill of 0. If the mob is low enough in level, the character's Offense skill and DEX may be able to pull a hit for the player, but the thrown item will almost certainly never land against a worthwhile enemy.

Hope this info is helpful. :)
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