Is it worth it?


Dalayan Beginner
(Interesting content filters you have here... hehe) I played a game which shall not be named, the official version of which was run by a company which likewise shall not be named, on and off for years on Fennin Ro, and later, post merge, torvonillius. My greatest problems with this game were the ever-declining standards of conduct, play, and of course the Company's content.

Honestly, I got tired of the time sinks and the endless grinding, and the neccesity to play for far too many hours out of the week to remain able to join/stay in a good high end raiding guild.

I was just curious, how has the SoD community approached some of these problems that the Company cannot or has not? What if any content changes had ya'll made to the standard the Company fare? And lastly, is it worth it to pick up the habit again?

Thank you for any responses you proffer.

PS: If any of you knew me as Tegumiril on Fennin Ro, then I send you my sincerest condolences :cool:
The SoD community is top notch. The Admins, Devs, and GMs are pretty swell guys(and gals) too.
Standards don't change. Expect to be required to follow the rules and all that. Players are pretty friendly and helpful.

As for content changes.. Think of SoD more as its own game, it just uses the EQ client software. Just about everything is different.

Is it worth it? That is for you to decide. For me, it was though.
Yes, I'd been reading the forums a bit since I made this post, and I must say I'm intrigued... Sadly, I tossed my game CD's out about 3 weeks ago figuring I'd never ever ever pay the Company again for anything. Once I finish chuckling over the irony, I may go get another CD, load up SoD and give it a spin. It sounds like a nice community, and a very attentive development staff.

The possibility of Dual Boxing never occured to me with live, given that I was unwilling to invest in another account and all of the expansions. It seems like DBing is fairly common and accepted here. Are there any links or tutorials which I can peruse to find out more information on DBing effectively? Or do I need to go troll the wiki for the information I need?

I take it there is a single server, and the PvP server starting up, how many players, about, do you usually have on server?
Tegumiril said:
I take it there is a single server, and the PvP server starting up, how many players, about, do you usually have on server?

no PvP : ) just the one server

usually its between 250ish and 370ish, sometimes in the 400s. depends on the day

enjoy your stay :keke:
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