Invalid name or password

Have you made sure that Caps Lock if off and/or that you are typing in the correct username and password?
I would suggest trying to make a new account (you can have unlimited accounts) just to test it out. Who knows, maybe your initial account request got screwed up somehow.

I don't know what the password policy is here, but for this test don't use anything other than numbers and letters in your password - keep it simple. You don't need to use this new account, just verify that it works.
I actually tried that already and it gives me the same thing. But when i type in my real EQ account it says my account isnt active. Does that mean its still trying to log into the retail server?
It sounds like that may be what is going on.

To be sure, you can run a program like wireshark to sniff the packets when you attempt to connect to the login server. You should see a connection to the IP Which is the IP address that should be in your eqhosts.ini file.

If not, you are hitting their server.

However, if the eqhosts lists a different IP address than the IP address the game is connecting to, then I'm not sure what you can do other than to reinstall the game and cross your fingers. sorry.
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