Introductions are in irder


Dalayan Beginner
Hello! I am new to SoD. Thought I'd post here and make a formal introduction. I haven't decided what class I want to play. I had a few questions I was hoping to get feedback on.

What are the xp gains like, does it sync up to what it's like on a live server?
How many accounts can one have?
Is xp gained for aa's constant or does the number of aa's already earned come into play?
Will I be soloing the first 50+levels or do people group before lvl 60?

I'm sure I have more questions but they can wait. Thank you for your time.
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Hello! I am new to SoD. Thought I'd post here and make a formal introduction. I haven't decided what class I want to play. I had a few questions I was hoping to get feedback on.

What are the xp gains like, does it sync up to what it's like on a live server?
How many accounts can one have?
Is xp gained for aa's constant or does the number of aa's already earned come into play?
Will I be soloing the first 50+levels or do people group before lvl 60?

I'm sure I have more questions but they can wait. Thank you for your time.

In order:
You gain exp here at a decently accelerated rate. Can easily go from 1 to 65 is a week or two of solid play on 1 char or duo.
You can have as many accounts as you like. I personally recommend 1 char per account, as you can not log in more than 1 char at a time from any account. Also, you can only play 2 characters at a time max.
Exp in general fluctuates depending on the time you spend in a zone. Exp bonus lowers and eventually view negative with enough time in one zone.(25%, 10%, 0%, -10%, and -25%)
You almost have to group from lvl 6+ tbh. Unless you're twinked pretty well, at the least a duo would be needed
Thanks for the tips!
Seems I've run into a problem. I reformatted and lost my copy of EQ which was downloaded from the station launcher. I don't know where my discs are from 10+ years ago and I checked my local wal mart/gamestop today and they don't have any eq1 on retail /sad
Thanks for the tips!
Seems I've run into a problem. I reformatted and lost my copy of EQ which was downloaded from the station launcher. I don't know where my discs are from 10+ years ago and I checked my local wal mart/gamestop today and they don't have any eq1 on retail /sad

Well, you could probably find it on amazon.
but google is your friend as well, if you'd rather go that route. Forum rules though, no links directly to content such as that.
Would be better to just purchase the product from somewhere such as amazon though like i mentioned
Thanks for the link. It was a good read. I'm glad to find out the world isn't a mirror of live. It will be fun re-learning the zones.
Ok, got it working. Couldn't use Mithrandir (I see why after reading the rules) so I am a beastlord named Giuseppe. Feel free to shoot me a tell!
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