Introduction: Rohtnag


Dalayan Beginner
Edit: Settled on Rohtnag, like I usually do if Ganthor is unavailable.

Edit: Just typed "Ganthor" into the Profile Search box and it returned a character which isn't me; I'm not finished patching yet. So given some heavy thought now that I have to change the name I've been called since EverQuest was born not only in Norrath but in real life... It will change. I'll let you know.

Hi, All!

I'm Rohtnag. What? No, just Rohtnag. I have a 'family name' but I've traveled far and wide into a much different place and look forward to the addition of a justified new surname. Anyhow, nice to meet you!

I just arrived here from Norrath; I grew up my whole life there. I was born among the beautiful treetops of Kelethin many years ago; even before our discovery of the continent of Kunark. On Norrath I lived a humble many years as an aspiring Druid and became pleasantly known to many. Several adventurers around the lands and I formed a Guild during my time who were named "Outcast Adventurers". It was a place you could call home when no other home would have you. Anyone cast out from any place may arrive and be welcomed free of judgement. We started off small - there were only four of us - but over the years many an Outcast came across us in their travels and hencefourth alongside. We fought many battles and conquered much of the lands of the gods of Norrath. This was great! However over time such a numerous force can only be pleased by experiencing new challenges and improving their effectiveness to an adventuring party. After a time life on Norrath became far simpler than the days of my youth and the youth of my time had considerably less of a struggle to make a name of themselves and eventually this naive and inexperienced population lost it's appeal. Over time we disbanded in search of new life - and I believe I've found a new place to call home.

OOC - Hi! I stumbled across the SoD Website and registered. On live servers I played a 65 Druid since launch. OA was at 4th largest guild on the server bit we weren't an elitist guild - we played for the experience and not for the status or bragging rights so we did things slowly. We raided three days a week starting with Kunark and old world stuff up through the years of all members' Epic Quests and conquered Velium lords and Planar lords alike. We started on GoD content but the game had lost it's magic. I've been wanting to play again for a few months now but money's tight which brings me here. I can't wait to get to know some of you and experience "good times" again.
Welcome to Dalaya! You may find that your stay here in this land will better please you.

(You sound like exactly the type I'm looking for in my guild too, feel free to fire off a tell hail to Yulanaia, Chikaraia, Osunaosu, or Fujikaosu in-game. We can talk, perhaps when you reach lvl20 you'll have a guild waiting for you ;) )
I awoke from a dream several nights ago in a familiar place although... very much is different. I made my way to gates of Newport and began my adventure thwarting many beetles and snakes. I made some headway into the early levels in this new place and then began to converse with some of the locals. I must say, there is much familiar to me in this new place... like deja vu. It feels like I've been here before, but so much is not the same. At this point in time, I've reached 10th level and finished several quests assigned by the gate guard and a woman I met near the Newport pub. Thanks to all who have welcomed me here; one woman offered me several pieces of crafted armor at no charge after I divulged some of the information I've picked up. I can't complain about anything in particular... well except that starting anew in such a land is a bit more difficult than I had expected. That and there seems to be far fewer residents in this land than I am used to. If anyone sees me online and is near level 10 please send me a tell, I love to make new friends and establish a solid hunting group.

*OOC* - I do have one question: Does anyone know the exact conversion of in-game time to real life time? How long is one hour in game? One day? Any information would be most appreciated!

And does anyone know of any early level bard quests?

Until next time!
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