Introduction or such


Dalayan Beginner
I am a 5 Year EQ veteran, 3+ Year and current hardcore EQ2 Raider, former scorpious2k lead gm. I been playing around on KMRA and PEQ, Playing around with building my own server again. Just cant find anything fun. I Raid 4 hours a night but outside of that im pretty bored and curious about how this server has come along. I am capable of boxing an entire group but understand the importance of the productivity of individual characters. I am a Ranger by nature but after the years dont really care what i play. I mostly play these games to raid, and have fun killing stuff and talking in vent and stuff. My biggest question is what are some needed or underplayed classes for raiding, and if the exp grind is much easier boxing 2 or 4 or 6? or does just soloing work fine here. Please dont give me the "play what you like thing". Im not looking for any handouts or anything other than some advice and guidance.
wow, former GM? pretty nifty. i have tons of questions for ya then =P
unfortunately we dont allow entire group boxing, max of 2 chars per person.
The server i great, a good community with few incidents.
if you want the basic cookie cutter duo for versatility there a number of threads discussing this, however a few examples are Monk/ Shaman. Druid/ Beastlord. War/ Cleric. SK/ Shaman
underplayed classes vary really. i would say mained Enchanters are kinda rare duo to end game lack luster AAs and such (broken).
i looked through the recruiting forum to see what was needed, but that might not provide general info, what are classes that are often needed for raid guilds? i assume tanks are more than covered since everyone probably boxed one and they are usually well established in guilds. I dont mind playing a healer or dps, or suppose, whatever? what would you suggest as far as thats concerned?

also i did your signature thing and i got cloud!

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
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Guilds always need DPS and Clerics.

If you want to see end-game shit, roll a cleric or a wizzy.
You did not seem to get a lot of response. My opinion is that Rogue is a class that fewer people want to try to level, but at the end game is very desirable for their mannaless dps. Many also do not enjoy playing Enchanter, so there are few mained chanters out there.
I went with my gut and made a ranger! might box something else later but im lv 10 now and its pretty boring! but its decent
first you can only 2 box from different accounts.

2.) HEALERS and DPS. those are the major wanted classes. so (druid/cler and shaman to an extent but not as much) Wiz,rogue (tho many of those) for the other.

before someone yells at me.. necros are a dime a dozone. mages are ok but Wiz better for dps.
been a while but i took some time off of mmos instead of getting into this seriously, but now im here and gonna get serious about leveling up and getting into the raiding scene. As of now im planning on Cleric and Ranger. Ranger is already lv 10 but catching up a cleric.
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