Intro : Sicnus-dru & Siknus-clr


Dalayan Beginner
Suppose I should introduce myself. I have been here a couple weeks now and I am very glad to have found it. FWIW, I was looking up EQ one day when I was bored and I saw a thread on the WoW forums and here I am. I am married with 2 younglings and I am 39 y/o. MMO's are my hobby. I played EQ Classic (Left shortly after Ruins of Kunark - was bitter about manastone nerf) I had a 50 Paladin (what a mistake) 50 Cleric (My love and my main) and a 50 Druid (To farm) and all were maxed out on Prexus. Anyway, after I left i took time off... swearing off MMO's and then friends told me to try WoW... and so once WoW servers got stable I rolled an Alliance priest & played for awhile and got sick of it. Tried Guild Wars and beat that pretty fast i mean maxed everything in a couple / few months. No depth there. So I went back to WoW and played there ever since. Now I have 3 priests, a Hunter and a Rogue. Everything Horde except my orig priest. WoW is rapidly losing it's appeal but the players I know have not and that's really my only tie there now. I have met many fine folks on SoD so far and a couple of people that I would love to see drink some Drano. I suppose that's gonna happen anywhere you go. I am really enjoying this new content and while I have two character I have not boxed. My dru is now 60 and my clr is 20. Not sure what the future holds for me here but since server is down, I thought I could make a TLDR post. Thanks to the powers that be - providing this. That's it, I'm done.
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