Intro for me


Dalayan Beginner
Whats up? Name is Squish its what people call me, character names will be Abrilin or Parfait. Originally from Tallon Zek and i forget where i transferred him to hang with some friends. I was in Guilds Liberation of the Underfoot(so old school) best time i had in EQ, then i moved on to the serious guilds as Lex Invictus, the next one they made, then Incursion, and finally Pandemonium. Im looking for some fun and this has the old graphics and old UI that works i wish it was the VERY FIRST ui that be cool. Well that explains be so yeah :psyduck:
welcome to dalaya! if you check out eqinterface and look at the oldest ones in full set you should be able to find the original ui remade. they don't all work here but you'll have the best luck with the older ones.
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