Intro and quick question


Dalayan Beginner
Hay I'm kinda new to SoD only been here for about 2 weeks decided to post on the forum because I came across an interesting dilemma and didn't know where to post.

A colleague of mine and myself share an apartment, and we both have been playing on our comps for the last week or so. Recently, I had decided to start boxing and he has been boxing as well now to have a nice little group of four between the two of us. I got concerned when I realized that it would look like four accounts are being played from the same IP address. I just wanted to post to ask if I can continue to box as long as I play only with two. Wouldn't want to get banned without ever letting anyone know the situation.

Thanks again

- Talgeese 49 shm
Relena 31 dru
Trannix 48 mnk
Pethamenos 48 shd
As long as the actual people are only playing two toons at a time, it is fine. You can each be playing two chars with the same connection. It is not OK for one of you to go AFK and the other to play their two toons plus another during that time or something like that.
Welcome, good question to ask as a lot of people are curious about it. The staff can / will figure out if your screwing around 3boxing. Might not happen right away but it happens. So ask questions and get all the answers you need and dont try to lawyer the rules, hope you enjoy it here.
In the rules section it states that only two boxes per person, not IP adress.

I am sure they have a way of knowing, and I have my theories.

So you are good, I believe.
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