Interesting error when trying to log on..


Dalayan Beginner
Hey guys, long time EQ player very interested in this game and trying to check it out but this weird thing keeps happening. When I run the patcher and click to begin the game, the EQ EULA pops up with it's accept or decline options but I can't click on them. As a matter of fact I can't click on anything when it comes up, I can't even tab out of the screen and am forced to log off my windows account of restart my PC in able to get back to being able to use it. Even cntl+alt+dlt doesn't help.

Appreciate any advice! =)
Edit: It is actually the EQW beta 2.35 window that is giving me the issue I guess. I have the EQ.exe file correctly selected and the Run Patch Program and Play on Test Server boxes unchecked as noted and Fix eqclient.ini checked. It is when I click Start EQ that I get the aforementioned problem.
Have managed to bypass this issue by skipping the EQW useage, but now I'm having another problem. The resolution is awful, I can barely make out text and changing the resolution in-game does absolutely nothing. =( Any suggestions on this one?
Hi friend and welcome to Shards of Dalaya. Sorry no one had responded to this thread yet, despite your urgent bumping. No reason to start another, you're just really not providing enough information for anyone to help with. So let me help start you off.

First, make sure you followed this guide for using the patcher. Which version of the client did you install? What operating system (Windows 7? Windows Vista?) are you running?

Try checking the eq.ini in your game folder. Some players have had issues if the resolution in that file didn't match their computer's resolution. If that's not it, you might want to try repatch all in the patcher.

I wouldn't forgo EQW if you can find a way to make it work. EQW makes gameplay (particularly 2boxing) worlds easier.
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I know sometimes you can get weirdisms by setting your game resolution to "non-native" values when in FS mode. By that I mean trying to run 1298x821 on a screen designed for 1400x900. I personally avoid this by running in windowed mode always, and just manually tweaking my screen settings in the eqclient.ini file to take up maximum real estate.

To that end, double check that WindowedMode=TRUE in the aforementioned file. See if that makes things better.
I've had luck correcting resolution issues in the past when making sure the in-game resolution color bit is matching the desktop color bit setting.

so if you desktop is set to 32bit color, set the in-game color bit to 32bit, etc.

hope it helps.
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