instant-LD after logging on


Dalayan Beginner
hi tech staff!

Have had this problem after last patch when a GM restarted the server 3 times in a row - but not as grave: I am desperate :p

I log on - after several eqclient crashes (worked fine last night) and my packet loss starts going up after only 5 seconds of being in the zone (mielech a) - through to 100% til i get disconnected.

I don't even have time to say something in ooc - or at least not to see anyone reply.

I would like to get a hint as to wether this is a server problem, or on my own side...


oh btw this is happening in mielech a - apparently the zone is very _very_ messed up right now - do you have any idea what the problem is yet? any ETA? :)

Guess I just have to live with it :/


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