Installation Problem


Dalayan Beginner
I recently have gotten XP over Christmas break, but I haven't played Everquest since I got XP. I recently heard about Winter's Roar, so I tried installing the discs again, but the Original disc and kunark disc will show they are trying to load and then just crash. Velious would install fine. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Windows XP
AMD 1700+ (around 1.4 ghz)
1 gb ram
128mb geforce 4600 ti

EQ used to work on this computer before I got XP, btw.

Hmmm that is strange... I still have all my disks since its original release (and beyond) and they work fine on my XP, and load up with no problems...

Now is the XP an upgrade (from Win98, 95, etc) or full version?
Make sure that the account you are logged in as has Administrator rights to the local machine.
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