infection mastery tomes broken


Dalayan Elder
prior to ever having even infection mastery 1 in bank let alone done Acid tongue proc was hitting for 826 for me.

[Wed Mar 20 22:49:38 2013] Gargate hit a wandering spore for 826 points of non-melee damage.
[Wed Mar 20 22:49:38 2013] A wandering spore is blasted by a jet of poison.

after completing infection mastery 1 it droped to 803.

[Sun Jun 23 22:26:35 2013] Gargate hit a sproutari sporecaster for 803 points of non-melee damage.
[Sun Jun 23 22:26:35 2013] A sproutari sporecaster is blasted by a jet of poison.

same gear. same mobs that I have logged/parsed in the same zone.

while working through infection mastery 2 just before finishing it was procing for 818.

[Sat Sep 28 22:45:13 2013] Gargate hit a sproutari sporecaster for 818 points of non-melee damage.
[Sat Sep 28 22:45:13 2013] A sproutari sporecaster is blasted by a jet of poison.

so explain how after finishing infection 2

[Sat Sep 28 22:46:38 2013] You have learned all you can from this codex.
[Sat Sep 28 22:46:42 2013] Taking a screenshot...

that this happened

[Sat Sep 28 22:47:29 2013] Gargate hit a sproutari for 803 points of non-melee damage.
[Sat Sep 28 22:47:29 2013] A sproutari is blasted by a jet of poison.

these parses are from the same group of npcs in the same zone, and I have many examples from that zone.
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not discounting your hypothesis, but just saying some of that variation may be due to to way spell resists were changed a while back. A mob will never flat out resist a spell consisting of just damage, it will just scale the damage based on the mob's resists.

Additionally mob level seems to play a part as I have experienced varying spell damage among the exact same mob type that all have (according to jayla's insight) 5 to all resists. However their levels were different.

All that makes it very difficult to test these types of things especially when we are dealing with these 2% changes per tome.

Using this thread to request dummies in like the arena or something with normal raid boss stats for people to play around and test these things with some degree of certainty.
Reehs if you would like I can spend a few hours and sort through my logs and find when I finished infect 1 then shortly after the dmg dropping to 803, unless you're saying the resist dmg was changed right when I finish the tome, and again changed right after infect 2. odd that it kept dropping to 803 though and doesnt matter the zone I have logs from almost every day I've played since Jan.

also mob lvl nah I've killed thousands of npcs in OG the only npc the proc is weaker against is poisonous spores again I've have ALOT of logs from raids,high end 6 man, highend exp zones and so on, the proc is the same everywhere.

Further I have logs of weeks of the proc hitting 826 lots of zones, finish infect 1 it got weaker, work through infect 2 it went up, finish it and it went down to 803 again.

Basic math says if it hit for 826 to start after 4% mod it should be 858-860 if they round up or not.
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When working with my dps tomes, I have sometimes noticed that once completing the book the damage would revert to a 0 completed infection (in this case) tomes level until I zone. After zoning, seems like whatever is recognizing that I've done my damage mastery tomes recognizes it and it's right where it should be.

Are the logs you showed in that "book just completed and haven't zoned since completing" window?
The first 2 logs postings if you didn't notice are from March and June. Pretty sure I zoned a few times ;)
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I Have a screen shot infect 1 fully completed on april 13th, sorting through to find more info.

From march 20th to April 3rd the proc was 826 and that was in solo,group,6 man, and raid zones. Around April 10 (as I was working through Infect 1 the proc was 832)

[Wed Apr 10 08:03:43 2013] Gargate hit a sproutari for 832 points of non-melee damage.
[Wed Apr 10 08:03:43 2013] A sproutari is blasted by a jet of poison

thats 1% damage where it should be I might add before its finished.

on April 12th (I have ALOT of these 801's in my logs, note this is the day before the screen shot for the finished tome which was takin a while after it was finished in the weeee hours of the morning)

[Fri Apr 12 19:05:27 2013] Gargate hit a sproutari warrior for 801 points of non-melee damage.
[Fri Apr 12 19:05:27 2013] A sproutari warrior is blasted by a jet of poison.

The damage from the Proc remained 801 until the above posted Jun 23rd date. Then for w/e reason went up to 803.

Do you want more logs?
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nope because I parsed it against other rangers in my guild that have acid tongue, theirs hit for the same damage then as they do now both had infect 1/2 long done. unless seasonal changes only happen right when I finished the tome and kicked in as I was progressing each tome.
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At least we're successfully ruling out things it's not, since the devs would do this first if we didn't. I came up with a couple of these ideas, too, but nothing else. I'd be unhappily curious and posting about this as well.

...why am I agreeing with Gargate >< mumblemumbledirtyrangermumblemumble
This tome is not bugged. It increases damage exactly like it's supposed to.

I just spent the past 3.5 hours looking at this from every possible angle and it all comes down to you not zoning after completing your tome. If you finish a tome and start another one before zoning, the tome you just finished will act as if you haven't done it yet. After you complete a tome, just refresh.

[size=+1]Poison season:[/size]
787 * 1.05 ~= 826

[size=+1]Without poison season:[/size]
One tome:
787 * 1.02 ~= 803
Two tomes:
787 * 1.04 ~= 818

thank you for the reply Jumbers.

The only reason I discounted the seasons is because I used another ranger in my guilds acid tongue, how ever sometimes things like holidays and what not don't always update right away (recently I was getting the bonus to DD well after the day for it had passed until I logged out and back in).
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