Incorrect strings


Dalayan Beginner

Not sure when this started, because it is most obvious with casters and I have been playing a low-level ranger and a rogue since I got back.

Quite simply, some of the strings are a mess; spell effects (when you right-click the scrolls) are the worst, because they show up as random strings like "This door is locked and you do not have the key" or "DRU". Once or twice, I saw some 'string not found' errors during combat, but they were fleeting and I was too lazy to check what they said.

The strange thing is that most strings work fine. If I look at my equipment, I can see stats and weights, I can see the correct class-restrictions and slots, but certain items like spell-scrolls will just have the spell description as the one wrong string. (I had to use the wiki to select spells for my newly-rolled druid)

Any idea? Could it be related to the new patch files from last week?
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Looks like your using a UI that forces strings, We don't use them here for things like spell effects and what not.
It's not a UI bug; I have had the issues for a few days and only installed the UI about an hour ago.
idk what to tell you we don't use them, maybe try reinstalling and/or clicking full repatch
Okay, that led to the patcher downloading a new version of spells_US.txt and I suddenly have a strange feeling it will be fixed. Let me go and check...
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