I'm pretty sure I've followed all the rules but...



But when I finally get my character created and into the world, the system tells me my account has not been approved and I'll be kicked in 60 seconds. I've read the rulespages multiple times and I haven't done anything that would cause my account to be un-approved. Please don't simply reply directing me to the rules page, as if there is a rule I'm breaking it is so miniscule as to have evaded my perception several times over. Is anyone else having this problem?
Well, since you obviously havn't read the rules page well enough, go do it again. The answer is in there, and we're going to help you by telling you what's wrong since that would eliminate the point of this.
The point of the approval is to make sure you read the rules and are able to find your own answer. Anyone caught giving the answer to this particular question (and this one only) can, will, and have been banned.

This is our way of dealing with all those who say "I never knew that was wrong!" because they didn't read the rules page thoroughly and carefully.
Very nice, indeed. I like thinking I'm not wrong when I actually am. It's always a very humbling experience. But in all honesty, how hard is it to just miss that little last one? Cheers to the ADD crowd of the 21st century, chaps
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