
Dalayan Beginner
oh my god i have been waiting for a server to open up for everquest thank you so much and hello to everyone! is there anythings i should know and is anyone around that can get me back started again?

Nibori :dance:
Uhhh pretty much just browse the forums a bit in classes and gear, then some in s&r. Do a lil looking on the wiki etc.

Then start a class that you will eventually be satisfied with playing should you get to the raid game. The roles are a bit different here than from live.
the more time you spend reading the forums, the better chance you'll avoid irritating people with the five hundredth iteration of a common bug. Especially check out the Tome of Knowledge, there's some good stuff in there.
ive done that :D im not completely new to EQ i used to play back in the day so its not all new thanks for the info ive been reading :D
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