Im new and .. Im speaking french ( Québec )


Dalayan Beginner
Hi everyone ,
I want to say hello here maybe ill make some contact on MSN to teach me how to play Everquest correctly cause imma real noob on this game :lol:

Anyway's , My name is Kamien im 21yo and from Québec and yes im speaking french so my english suck :eek:
If anyone here want to help me getting started on you're shard Add me [email protected] on MSN :D
If anyone speak french and want to make friends that speak the same language and play the same game ! say you're e-mail to me or add me !

Have fun playing everyone ill try to come and play as soon as the Everquest game download is done ( Don't stop craching at 12-40% ;( ;( ;( )

Cya ;)
Hello there, fellow Québécois. French is my first language as well, but since I play so little, I fear I can't be a very reliable coach...

One thing though: do not hesitate to ask questions on this board or in the guild you start in (Dalaya's Beginners). You'll find the people in here are surprisingly friendly and helpful.

Have fun!
Thanks Minerios , If french is you're first language then ill speak to you in french from now :)

J'èspere te croisé en jeu prochainement peu être tu pourrais m'apprendre a jouer a Everquest correctement :) la dernière fois que j'ai jouer j'étais niveau 2 et j'ai arreter puisque je trouvais ca trop compliqué :)

Im doing the update to all version right now ,. the patch take soooo long its crazy i got high speed connect but it take 14hrs to do ! :eek:
welcome to SOD :)

Sorry but

je ne parle pas francais tres bein

That's about all I remember from my High school french class, and it's probably spelled wrong lol. There are lots of helpful people here and anyone who gives you much trouble over your english isn't worth your time anyhow. :) Hang in there, there's a lot to learn but it's a lot of fun.
si jamais t'a des questions dans le jeu, n'hesite pas de faire des commentaires en francais, tu serai surpris le nombre de quebecois dans ce serveur

thanks everyone .

My char name is Kamiens and im lvl 3 wiz hight elf .. dunno if i made a good choice , i don't stop dying :lol:

sastabyunth merci du conseil ;)
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