i'm getting a black screen when i select my created toon to


Dalayan Beginner
i've had issue after issue all morning tryin to get WR to work ...... my current and most frustraiting problem is getting a black screen when i try to enter game on my toon ........ i ALREADY put the WRfix files in WRpatcher folder and WRpatcher/WRfiles folder just to beable to create a toon .......... now the only advice i've been recieving to fix the black screen is to run the WRfix file .... WHERE ELSE SHOULD I PUT THIS FILE ?
how many places DOES IT NEED TO BE? somebody please offer me some assistance as its been 7 hours i've been searchin the forums , re-installin EQlive, re-running patchers , deletein UIfiles and replacing them , and i'm JUST ABOUT dead in the head tryin to figure this out .........
HELP PLEASE OH PLEASE HELP ANYONE :mad: :? :eek: ;( :sadf: :) :)
that was the first place i put it my first attempt ....... i'd like to thank Liam , YOU ARE A GOD AMONG MODERATORS , i'm in the game now =-D :lol: ;) :roll: <3 :hug: :D
ok.. but this is what you said first of all..

i ALREADY put the WRfix files in WRpatcher folder and WRpatcher/WRfiles folder just to beable to create a toon

Glad you got in! and welcome
Just a note on this

As an FYI I had to unzip the fix file 2 times, once got me to char select (after I found the correct place to unzip too) then I too got the black screen after selecting my newly made character.

To fix that I redid the fix, reran the patcher then I was in. Dunno why this occured but seems to be a fairly common occurance. But was well worth it, as this server rocks after playing EQ for 3 1/2 years. Think I'll have to cancel my paid subscriptions and spend that money here. :lol:
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