
Dalayan Beginner
If anyone may see this who used to know me, please don't feel like I've abandoned you.
To all my former guild-mates in <Beyond>... remember a iksar BL named Rayze?
Well.. he's back.. sort of.
With the lengthy hiatus I've taken, I still feel a little intimidated hopping back on and relearning the lvl 64 beastlord, but will most likely get to it someday.
But, I've brought along friend(s) this time, so currently I'm starting off small to help the newbies.
Yeah.. I guess I am sort of a hero...
Anyway, if anyone remembers me and feels like rekindling the neglected flame of radical brilliance which is friendship - the name's Tandem.

Well, look forward to hearing from ya.
Especially the enchanter, rogue, and the cleric(?)aka rogue's wife.
Are you talking about Ee, Jaita and Laciey?

They are in Amicii now drop em a line. :)

WB to SOD Btw.
Hey Rayze, good to see you around again :toot:.

Drop me a line sometime in game on Tyvec/Makaj if you wanna catch up.
figured no one would ever see this thread =P

to gregor: exactly! i miss all you/them guys a ton. definitely gonna have to hop back on my bst knowing they're still up-to-date characterwise. and thnx )

and to tyvec: back at ya, man =) definitely shall do! oh, and killer icon btw.
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