im actually having a problem with the MQ


Dalayan Beginner
I am already lvl 65 was gone for awhile but am back now. Anyways I got the letter from the eye guy at the wizard spires says to talk to Eranos. Well I found him had a lovely chat and answer 4 or 5 questions. Im stuck at the problem when he asks me which wepon Shojar uses. Well the answer is "He has no wepon of particular choice." So I tell that to the good ole dark elf Eranos and he not so politely tells me i'm incorrect. Well this doesn't seem right to me so I go forth and do some research in my local library in Oggok and I open the book, The Gods of Dalaya and sure enough it states that the mighty Shojar uses no wepon of particular choice as he prefers to scheme using his unlimited wisdom and knowledge. So I head back to my chatting partner Eranos and explain this to him in many variations , thinking maybe he doesn't understand me, and sure enough the stubborn man continues to tell me im wrong. So I felt maybe I would try to do some more research and see if maybe he's just not understanding me. So I beseach all of you fine people dwarf and gnomes alike to please inform Mr. Nel'tav that I am indeed correct and that he needs to move on.

ooc im sure that its just some variation of what the book states but it might be helpful to the gms and such that hes not actually listening to the book on this one or maybe im just retarded. If the latter happens to be the correct choice please inform me and ill go smash my head against a rock a few more times hehe. Thanks for any help in advance and sorry about the story. I just like being a lil meladramatic hehe.
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