IKsar/Troll Shaman Newbie Quests(Newbie Grobb), Fourth Armor Quest


Dalayan Beginner
With my lvl 7 IKS shaman (name: Uthu), I'm doing the quest for the Swamp Zombie Bonemail, I have all 4 items, Rib cage, Zombie bones, Thick Zombie hide, and Zombie death shroud. I give to Spirit Talker Grekal and all he does is give them all back to me. I think it's broke.

Thank you
I just completed this quest about 10 hours before this posting, and can confirm that it works.

You have to hand the legs you recieved earlier to him first. Then hand the gloves from the food chick to her. Then you can do the tunic hand in.

Yes... you're giving the loot you received back to the NPC that gave it to you. However, he gives it right back and gives you 500 or so xp for your trouble.
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