iksar newbie SK quest


Dalayan Beginner
Dreadmaster Natzril in the iksar SK guild sends you to Master Hysath with a Black Metallic Bar of Night, when turned in Master Hysath is supposed to give you a container to fill and return, but does not give the container, only references it in his dialogue.

Also, he will not take the items individually.
I created a test character to see if this was true, and I can confirm that Trentzor is indeed correct --- this needs fixing.

(it's not just some individual quest --- without the completion of this first quest, newbie SKs cannot complete the rest of the Grobb questline)
Apperantly there is no pack to fill, he just says there is, you turn in the items uncombined. The part that was hanging me up is apperantly you turn them in 2 at a time. Waiting for it to be daytime in game to confirm this, someone else just did the turnin in front of me and told me that was the case though.
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