Iksar Beastlord Newbie Quest (Grobb)


Dalayan Beginner
There is a bug on the fourth or fifth quest in the line from the Iksar named Kabil in Grobb.

It is the one where he/she (?) sends you to fetch the wolf leash, tiger leash and the hands of the escaped liodreth trader.

In Stinger's Bog I have hunted down a mob called "Escaped Liodreth Animal Trader" and massacred it more times than I care to think about, but it refuses to drop hands. Or anything else for that matter.

I was looking through the past entries and found references to the same problem dating back to 2005. My question is will this be fully implemented any time soon or should I just delete the quest items I have and forget about it?
This was fixed a long time ago; I'm not sure how it returned. I'll try to get it fixed(again).
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