Iksar Ancient Sword Quest, please tell me this isn't broken!


Dalayan Beginner
After collecting the swamp trooper armor and turning in the breastplate to the Quartermaster, I get an invoice to give to kathik of the blades. He asks me for the sinew of a patient and an furious froglok duelist, the components that the quartermaster gave me, and two bricks of ore. The problem is that I don't know if I'm supposed to just find an item called brick of ore, or if he means any brick of ore. I'm afraid to try in fear of losing the hard to get sinews and impossible to get sword components that are only given once. I talked with someone else that's trying this quest and he says that he swears he remembers blacksmith vendors selling "bricks of ore" on live before we were allowed to mine for our own bricks of iron, silver, dalium and so forth. Is this item not available therefore making the quest impossible to complete?

I thought maybe mages summoned bricks of ore but I don't see any such spell in the unofficial database. Is there a spell on the server that does this?

Also, would I be correct in assuming that once I get these components I'm supposed to make the swords in a forge?

Basically I just want to know if I should just stop trying this quest because all the components do not exist, or if I'm looking in the wrong places. Thanks in advance for your help.
If the items you hand in don't complete a quest (all 4 = correct) they get returned.
If you try to combine something in a forge that won't combine, it gives you a message and no attempt at combine happens.

Try the ore you can mine. If it doesn't work, pester in ooc.
I think I just had an idea that makes sense...in Miel A there is a spot with a bunch of froglok miners and I've been killing them in the hopes that they drop ore. No ore yet, but they keep dropping pickaxes, as if telling me to mine there. I tried and sure enough, it lets me. However I've been at this for hours and have only been finding iron. Is this quest working?

Also, I tried to do it with iron ore and it didn't work.
it looks like people have been stuck on this quest since at least last september. I did a search and everyone pretty much ended up where I did, including a game master, so I'm really starting to lose hope. Oh god I really want those swords now...can a Dev please speak out? I'm not asking for a solution if that's too much, just a yes or no on whether this quest can be finished now.
This will now use an iron ingot, I'm changing the quest giver's text as well.
I also had the problem of finding (a brick of ore). I recently finished the getting all the items for the swords..... with the new iron ingots, went to the forge with all the items and crafted the defensive sword first. Then it said as normal ......items to create something new! When I looked in my bag I found Swamp Tooper plate boots, nothing close to a sword =). Then put the items in the forge for the offensive sword........items to create something new!! Looked in my bag and actually had a Sword. So one of the items worked out correctly the other needs some fixing. So i took the boots and sword to him for the turn in and he just gave them back. So i'm sure its broken. Please help out with this if possible very excited about this quest =) Oh and thank you very much for fixing the brick of ore problem worked out great. Thanks again for all your hard work.
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