"I wish to travel to Taldor Malath" error


Dalayan Beginner
"I wish to travel to Taldor Malath" is what my character, Tandor, said to the Translocator in Newport today, as he wished to see Froglok Country... what he saw instead, however was this:

-Unable to load world-
EverQuest cannot find the zone file 'twilight' in the directory that you are currently running EverQuest from. Please check that you do not have more than one directory with EverQuest installed. If so, you may be running from the wrong directory. For assistance with this problem, please call (858) 537-0898 or visit http://everquest.com

Now whenever I try to log in with my character, Tandor, I see that he's in the Twilight Sea zone and when I go to Enter World, EverQuest closes and I get the same error. What should I do, if anything? Could a GM at least teleport Tandor back to Newport or something? I'd really rather not lose him.
GuiardoTuneweaver said:
Sounds like maybe you don't have Luclin loaded on your client. You might have to install/patch Luclin in, then re-patch for SoD.

Right... Well until I do that, could a GM please teleport me back to Newport?
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