I need some help



I've been trying to get to play on WR for a couple weeks now, but cannot access the eqemulator.net website, the WR patcher gives me a bad username error and won't patch. Not sure what to do, apparently other people are able to play but not me. Any advise?

The Eqemu site is currently down. so you cant log in. but make sure u have installed it all correctly. make sure u have all the proper files needed.. make sure u have a eqemu account. and give it a day or 2. hopefully just a day if that=) i need to keep my levels moving=)

I setup an account with eqemulator.net a few months ago, and now the patcher is going but sticks on the downloading spells_us.txt. Hopefully it will be fixed soon, I'd like to check it out.

i think i had it get stuck on that 1-2 times.. i just kept restarting it.. finally it got the whole thing. feel free to try what i did heh. but i think its best to wait for the servers to come back up.

I've not been able to access eqemulator.net for weeks, I've not tried every day but off an on for weeks. They need to release a version of their login server for others to use if they are going to be offline so much.

Finally got the patch to finish and work, just stuck at the bad username/pass thing. But from what I read that will be fixed soon. I guess we wait and see. :)
Danx, I had the problem of the spells_us.txt all I had to do to fix that was go to the Downloads section on the main site. You can bypass the patcher by just downloading the patch. I hope that helps.
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