i need help


Dalayan Beginner
i have installed this game before.. but i know got a new computer and wanna put it on this one.... but i am unable to because i at first installed everquest right off the pc but now the webpage has changed..... if any one has any ideas please give me complete step by step in how to do so.... i would greatly appriechate it.
Shardsofdalaya.com in section "Starting Guide" has the instructions stating exactly what to do to play SoD.
are you saying you Downloaded Everquest once to a DIFFRENT computer and you want to install it on a new one? if thats true and still have the install you can either copy it onto a CD or Jumpdrive and install off that. Or if you network the two computers together you can install off that or copy it over then install.

Or you have the game already and need to load into the patcher up to LIVE and then get the SOD, patch over that then start playing.
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