I just found this game!


Dalayan Beginner
I just found this game the other day and am very excited to dig out my old CD's and get started. I had no idea that this was done and really wished I found it sooner.

I did a search on the forums, but I could not find an answer to my population question so I'll ask here as I introduce myself.

What is the population like these days? Is it top heavy with very few players in the newbie yards and in the mid range zones? (I've always liked the MMO part about these games.)

Catch you all online
Standard greeting: "Welcome to Shards of Dalaya! You have a lot to unlearn, player of Live."

The level 1-54 population is of decent size. Whether or not you can get groups at that level range is more affected by the times of the day/week you play than anything. For level 55 and beyond, the population of the server is large enough that there's always new people to meet, but small enough that your reputation is the most important thing you will have.

See you in game!
I have not even started yet and I've told most all the people I played Live with.

Thanks for the welcome!
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