I have issues.


Dalayan Beginner
I am having (serious) issues with EQhost.txt.

My EQ host file is this:

[Registration Servers]
[Login Servers]

Which was copied directly from one of the copious threads from homogenn, explaining this situation.

I've been searching on EQemulator.net for quite a while now, and haven't found a solution... So hoping someone here has some insite.

When I try to create a new account, I come up with

"EQEMu Error: This server is not the registration server, get the correct eqhost.txt file from EQemulator.net"


Thanks in advance.
We are in the process of moving the web services and such to a new server. If you had any difficulty with your dns server, some of them dont get updates as often as they should and wont be able to resolve it. Anyways, make SURE you arent using just the domain name in your eqhost.txt or LoginServer.ini files. Since the login servers are remaining here and the webservers are moving to another server, if you use a plain eqemulator.net in any of those files, you wont be able to login. If you have doubts check your files and change them according to the list below:

Version 0.5.9-DR1+:

Version 0.5.8:

Version 0.5.7-DR4 to 0.5.7-DR6:
login1.eqemulator.net:5995 OR login2.eqemulator.net:5995

Versions prior to 0.5.7-DR4:

Although its my understanding that to play on Winters Roar server, you dont need to "fix" your eqhost file.. at least i didnt..
I did a quick search on the eqemulator.net forums under FAQ and found this post. Hope it helps ya.
Well the problem I was having was that it was pointing me to the wrong server. Or something like that. I don't know.

Moot point now, as you can log on multiple characters from the same account now. Even in the same zone. According to a friend, anyway. I have yet to try.
You do not have to make a new account ingame. Just click on connect and enter your eqemu data (you should be registered there afaik).
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