I deleted my backback with 2 gate necks and the clicky vial for ring V


Dalayan Beginner
I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to put this. I accidentally deleted a backpack full of my no-drop items, (my Newport and Grobb gate necklaces, my ring V clicky vial and some other things) blundered circa 2:20pm mountain standard time, if there’s anything that can be done to retrieve lost items I’d much appreciate it. I'm writing this at 9pm after waiting for over 6 hours with no response. I realize this is due to really bad timing on my part and just screwing up when there was no one to help me, though I'm a little lost what to do next since I'm not sure I can keep online and keep my petition in. For all those who read this thank you for your time and consideration.

~Mortath . . .( login Korvak)

*Update talked to a GM and got a new newport amulet, still to see if grobb and ring V items are attainable, Not able to just get nw necklace in grobb do i need to do the bounties again?
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