Dalayan Beginner
Greetings all,
Long story short, I've been playing EQ since the second expansion, with a few breaks now and then (primarily due to the expansion spam killing the game in my mind). The magic of it has been slowly dying off, with a virtual world one enjoyed turning into a kiddie 'I has better item than you yesterday' grind fest - pretty much what every other MMO's nowadays strive to be for some reason. Even making it into one of the top guilds constantly raiding new content, I ended up putting down the game in mid 2007 for ever - I basically finally got beat down by SOE's vile attempts at perverting the game for nearly a decade.
Stumbled across this in 08 actually (I think?), some may remember my problems trying to log in (I suspect it has had something to do with the only internet being available for me being satellite internet - which has a built in 2 second delay, meaning my ping would be through the roof despite the overall bandwidth and speed being semi-decent), but I guess after two years of trying, I got it to work!
(that, and we finally managed to get a physical line internet - but that sounds a lot less noble)
Now I actually *gasp* work for a living, so I won't be on regularly 24/7, but will pop in to at the least give SoD a try, since at the very least, it looks like mostly what EQ should have been instead of the tainted congealed swamp scum SOE made it become. I may be wrong - it may not be what I was looking for - but hopefully stalking you all for over two years showed me the direction the game and the community where taking.
Now if anyone doesn't mind sparing a few moments, I do have a few questions:
1) I used to play a Beastlord as my main on live EQ, and loved the class's solo ability and style along with group position. The BST was my second char, my initial was a Wiz. Somewhere along those lines, I've also played a Necro, Mage, Pal, SK, Ench, and quite possibly a cleric (to level 30 or something like that). Question is, after checking the spell lists, it seems like the beastlord's godly pet heals are no longer as godly, along with other minor changes made to him. There are also a few other spells I don't recall seeing in original EQ. Would anyone be so kind as to tell me how those changes make him compare to the original's BST, in terms of is his pet stronger / weaker / more reliant on the owner / less reliant on the owner / whether he tanks better / worse / etc.
2) Likewise, how do the necro and the mage pets compare to the BST - or are there no changes made from original EQ to those?
(Yes, I like pets :
Though I'm half-contemplating making a Paladin or SK. Kind of torn between dpsing vs tanking vs solo capabilities)
I shall see you guys in game sometime (hopefully).
May the horse be with you.
Could I also check what is the policy for two boxing on SoD? Is it frowned upon or is it something everyone generally does? I remember reading something about having 2 characters active per account (or two accounts active per IP?) two years back, but not sure if it was from SoD, and I can't seem to find any mention of this in the policy plaza / FAQ / search (though I may be simply blind)
Long story short, I've been playing EQ since the second expansion, with a few breaks now and then (primarily due to the expansion spam killing the game in my mind). The magic of it has been slowly dying off, with a virtual world one enjoyed turning into a kiddie 'I has better item than you yesterday' grind fest - pretty much what every other MMO's nowadays strive to be for some reason. Even making it into one of the top guilds constantly raiding new content, I ended up putting down the game in mid 2007 for ever - I basically finally got beat down by SOE's vile attempts at perverting the game for nearly a decade.
Stumbled across this in 08 actually (I think?), some may remember my problems trying to log in (I suspect it has had something to do with the only internet being available for me being satellite internet - which has a built in 2 second delay, meaning my ping would be through the roof despite the overall bandwidth and speed being semi-decent), but I guess after two years of trying, I got it to work!
(that, and we finally managed to get a physical line internet - but that sounds a lot less noble)
Now I actually *gasp* work for a living, so I won't be on regularly 24/7, but will pop in to at the least give SoD a try, since at the very least, it looks like mostly what EQ should have been instead of the tainted congealed swamp scum SOE made it become. I may be wrong - it may not be what I was looking for - but hopefully stalking you all for over two years showed me the direction the game and the community where taking.
Now if anyone doesn't mind sparing a few moments, I do have a few questions:
1) I used to play a Beastlord as my main on live EQ, and loved the class's solo ability and style along with group position. The BST was my second char, my initial was a Wiz. Somewhere along those lines, I've also played a Necro, Mage, Pal, SK, Ench, and quite possibly a cleric (to level 30 or something like that). Question is, after checking the spell lists, it seems like the beastlord's godly pet heals are no longer as godly, along with other minor changes made to him. There are also a few other spells I don't recall seeing in original EQ. Would anyone be so kind as to tell me how those changes make him compare to the original's BST, in terms of is his pet stronger / weaker / more reliant on the owner / less reliant on the owner / whether he tanks better / worse / etc.
2) Likewise, how do the necro and the mage pets compare to the BST - or are there no changes made from original EQ to those?
(Yes, I like pets :
I shall see you guys in game sometime (hopefully).
May the horse be with you.
Could I also check what is the policy for two boxing on SoD? Is it frowned upon or is it something everyone generally does? I remember reading something about having 2 characters active per account (or two accounts active per IP?) two years back, but not sure if it was from SoD, and I can't seem to find any mention of this in the policy plaza / FAQ / search (though I may be simply blind)
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