I am having trouble looting corpses


Dalayan Beginner
OK, this is a weird problem, and its happened in so many different ways that I'm not sure what exactly is causing it.

The first incident was when while I was doing an Easy Tmap in Darkwoods. I was boxing a warrior Prolix, and my main Drizzly. I had my alts Sizzly and Rakoomo camped right by the tmap site in the group, camped. While we were fighting, we raid invited a wandering necromancer for caster rots. Rakoomo and Sizzly were still camped. After we had the chest pop I logged them on and we bashed the chest with both toons in the group and zone. Rakoomo had no trouble looting the chest, but he lots the roll on his item. Sizzly however, was raid bugged and could not loot the chest. It wasn't an important item and the paladin in our group could use the item so I let him have it. I didn't petition this.

The next time it happened was while I was helping a 6 man group kill Old one eye with Drizzly, and Anyoalen, a guildmates druid. Drizzly died :( while we were killing the mob, and I rezzed her back after the fight. She was unable to loot the corpse. Anyoalen survived the entire fight, was not raidbugged, and still could not loot the corpse. This caused me to loose pristine status on a piece of loot I won an was very frustrating. I didn't think to take a screenshot of the corpse/situation so my petition was fruitless. Thx anyways slarr.

Today, while doing another Easy Tmap, the same thing happened as in first episode. Sizzly/Rakoomo were camped, and then logged when it was time to loot chest. Meanwhile, before I logged them, we raid invited a guild cleric. Once again, Rakoomo was able to loot while Sizzly was not. Because of this I couldn't get the DS ring that dropped. I have screenshots and I petitioned, but no one was online so it wasn't dealt with.

This is very frustrating for me, I spending lots of time and energy, both mine and others, running my alts around with our map group, only to have one of them not be able to loot items that would otherwise rot. Our toons are strong enough that we could easily do the map with both my alts logged on, but I like to spend the XP on our guild tank Prolix and my main when possible. The last easy map we did, I had sizzly logged the entire time and he could loot with no problems after being reinvited to the group before we started the map. I have a feeling its the action of starting a raid while some characters are not logged on. But then why can one of my alts loot. And why could sizzly loot the gems and coin from the chest in oasis?

I guess I can't attach screenshots directly to the post, but i have them i swear!
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Legality of what you're trying to do aside.... (I suggest you read the raiding rules.)

If the toons are not in the zone when the raid is formed, they will not be in the raid even though they are in the group.
OK so I'll figure out how to make the Tmap situation work legally. But the raidbugging still doesn't explain the Old one eye instance. Are you not allowed to 8 man a tier one mob or something?
OK so I'll figure out how to make the Tmap situation work legally. But the raidbugging still doesn't explain the Old one eye instance. Are you not allowed to 8 man a tier one mob or something?

You didn't describe how the raid was formed, who was in the zone or out, etc. Dying does not normally prevent you from looting; that I can say with absolute certainty, as it happens all the time in the raid game.
Entering a zone after something has died usually has the consequence of the corpse being "out of range" for whatever reason.
You didn't describe how the raid was formed, who was in the zone or out, etc. Dying does not normally prevent you from looting; that I can say with absolute certainty, as it happens all the time in the raid game.

I don't really remember how it was formed...I think I might have rezzed someone after we formed the raid...so basically the moral of the story is don't form raids with ppl out of zones etc?
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