

Dalayan Beginner
Hey I am playing as Neken, currently a 50 bard. I started about a week and a half ago along with 2 friends. I played on The Nameless server as a Barbarian Shaman named Sedius, and Bilakar on Oasis the first year of launch.

Nice to meet everyone in advance. Ill be seeking a guild :)

Welcome Why not take a look at our site we are Watchers an new guild of old EQ players love to have ya!
Welcome to the server!

At this point a guild like Watchers (or another sub-65 guild) is going to be a good place to apply.

Getting in a raid guild can be difficult for a new player on this server. Raids are limited to 18 players. And, you really need a balance of certain classes to be successful. So, it is hard to have a player in your raid who is not yet up to a certain level in level and somewhat in gear. That being said, you will want to level up to 65, get some decent gear and a handfull of AA's before applying to a raid type guild or even a Family/Raid type guild, if that is your goal.

I hope you enjoy SOD as much as I do.
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