Howdy from Canada


Dalayan Beginner
Hi all,
My wife and i have been playing online games since about 95-96 starting with Diablo, >> UO >> Then EQ for about 8 years and then went to WoW. The other day my wife said "I miss EQ", and I decided to see if I could find an alternate place to play and found SoD. We've been here 3 or 4 days now and so far so good. Lots of different stuff to get our heads around yet, but it will smooth out eventually I am sure. I will be telling some of our old EQ friends and guildmates about SoD.

Thanks for having us!
Hey man, welcome to SoD. Lots of old EQ'ers here, some old WoW'ers, I'm sure you will fit right in. Good hunting!
glad to see wife and husband play together as that is always good, keeps you off the wife agro as normally is red and swowling if you con it,,,
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