Dalayan Master
Long time player from Fennin Ro (with three accounts at one point), I sort of "tripped" across the site. (I followed a link from a free WoW site to a place to vote, and found EQ servers there.)
I'm a tad rusty, but its slowly wearing off. I'm playing a barb rogue named Talendor (lvl 6 so far), looking to group up and have fun. Feel free to look me up. I'll gladly take anything to help, buffs and groups especially.
I forgot what it was like to run un-twinked/un-buffed/un-pl'd, lol.
I'm a tad rusty, but its slowly wearing off. I'm playing a barb rogue named Talendor (lvl 6 so far), looking to group up and have fun. Feel free to look me up. I'll gladly take anything to help, buffs and groups especially.
I forgot what it was like to run un-twinked/un-buffed/un-pl'd, lol.