Howdy All


Dalayan Master
Long time player from Fennin Ro (with three accounts at one point), I sort of "tripped" across the site. (I followed a link from a free WoW site to a place to vote, and found EQ servers there.)
I'm a tad rusty, but its slowly wearing off. I'm playing a barb rogue named Talendor (lvl 6 so far), looking to group up and have fun. Feel free to look me up. I'll gladly take anything to help, buffs and groups especially.
I forgot what it was like to run un-twinked/un-buffed/un-pl'd, lol.

Woot Woot, this server is AWESOME!!

BTW, me (Lilamina) and my two roomates (Nuvian and Nefra) are friends with Andari from Fennin Ro and we are here to kick some booty!!!!
Oh yeah..what expansion was that? It's a name I made up for a D&D char. about 8 to 10years ago, lol. I actually don't play the rogue anymore, anyways, I play a bard named Andari instead.
darksabbath said:
Oh yeah..what expansion was that? It's a name I made up for a D&D char. about 8 to 10years ago, lol. I actually don't play the rogue anymore, anyways, I play a bard named Andari instead.
He was the Nagafen replacement in Kunark, he was in Skyfire, was lvl 60. BTW, my characters name is Lilamina, and most often you'll see me running around with Nefra, Nuvian and Andari =D

BTW, anyone from Fennin Ro around in this game, and that played way back during the days of Kunark/Velious? LOL, wondering if anyone I remember is playing here, or that remembers me =)
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